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This was VERY awesome! I actually haven't seen such a concept before! Thanks so much for creating this game!

oh wow that was colddddd

I loved the concept!

i try'ed  to kill him 

i recommend

Scared the crap outa me- Loved it though!!

This was crazy! Loved it tho! 


loved it


This game is really creative and scary reminds me of take this lollipop.


Oh, my God! I thought it was real! I almost called 911, lol


Good idea to use tags for a stream puzzle game, very realistic


f--king creepyyy

like who would ac go on here at 3am 

like god d-mn 




thats amazing


Absolutely love it! Did you think about being your game translated? I can help with translation into Russian :)

It's not working

I can't press anything

youre supposed to type what you want to do in the chat like 'see door'

Amazing game, puzzles were kinda difficult tho.

The game was amazing! The puzzles were designed pretty well. The atmosphere was perfect!

Thanks to the unique setting, the original take on a text-based game, the strong atmosphere, and a surprising twist, I highly praise this game. Now, excuse me, there is this livestream I need to check out...


Not me cussing everyone out in the chat for fun-



(2 edits) (+2)

felt like i was watching jerma haha /j

excellent game! horrible (in a good way). scary - you know what has to happen but you don't want to do it, and the livestream format really made me feel responsible. i kept apologizing to the streamer in chat. also got the feeling they were coming to kill me.

really enjoyable game (in an "oh fuck oh shit" way), and pretty realistic to my experience of twitch - i liked somebody donating a stupid meme amount of money right after [redacted due to spoilers]. thank you for making it!



nice gamee love it

I loved it so much


cool game!


meh not that good its boring and not scary and ending is awful 

This game was very unique, loved how the chat was very funny to watch and the crazy twist at end, well here is my gameplay of it.

I loved this game more than the original. Things felt much more streamlined, and it was pretty straightforward when progressing.

dammm nil this was fire


really good game


loved the game! it was great would recommend ! 


liked this, nice game


nice game, i love how someone donates 69,420$


impressive af


Very nice game, thanks for your work!


He should of grab the gun at the end

His hand was cutoff.

couldve dropped the camera


the fact that they did not displays their dedication to live video streaming

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