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yeah this game made me feel like Sherlock Holmes working from home. Nice game i like it.  I made a video as well. check it out.


Damn! Couldn't watch the Vtuber!

they finally released gamer girl


Holy crap. This was a freaking creepy experience, and I am not kidding when I say that. I thought this was gonna be a funny, silly parody game about Twitch or some other service. I did not expect a literal horror game about some form of an online cult, and for me, that made the game very disturbing, and the puzzles are very challenging even for a long-time puzzle game player. I actually felt physically uneasy during some segments of the game. I felt like pits in my stomach, and that is not something I say lightly. While the game's puzzles were challenging and rewarding once you completed them, the overall tone of the game made the experience very atmospheric and dark, henceforth evoking physical signs of uneasiness. When he used the saw on his arm to do... something (not saying what it is because it is highly disturbing and I'm not gonna spoil it), I felt my hairs stand on end. His screams of sheer terror as he uses the saw on his arm were incredibly realistic and I was incredibly disturbed by it. This game is one of the scariest horror games I have played in a long time. As a person who played this game blind, this really got to me and invoked a lot of feelings of uneasiness and scare. Man, I thought it was gonna be all innocent, not a freaking horror game about some sort of online cult. This is one of the best horror games I've played in a while. I felt scared and uneasy during some of the game's segments. As such, this is a definite 8 out of 10, definitely would recommend this to people who love horror. As for people who aren't a big fan of horror? Um, just stay away from this if you don't wanna have nightmares for the rest of your life.

gug game

Its here guys! I got the video ready. Hope you guys like it and make sure to check out my channel and other videos. Also this was A really good game. Loved it so much! Please make more!!! Anyways enjoy!

This was super dope!! Very creative and crazy! Keep up the amazing work.

Very fun concept! Loved it!

I really liked the first game! This video isn't the gameplay of this game but the one before that. I just wanted you guys to watch the first one and tell me if I should do a video on this one (I most likely will do it anyways, I really liked the first one and I hear this one is even better! Can't wait to play!) Anyways I hope you enjoy and please make sure to check out my other videos.

(1 edit)

This game is even better than the first FeedVid! A much more immersive experience! :)

This is the most original game I've played. My stream loved it. Skip to 1:26:51 for this gameplay. 

Gave off some very SAW movie type vibes. You WILL want to play this game.



🔲 My 90-year-old grandma could play it 

✅ Easy (loving those hints)

🔲 Normal  

🔲 Hard

🔲 "Dark Souls"

- Accessibility -

🔲 Easy to figure out 

✅ Takes some time to figure out

🔲 Hard to figure out

🔲 Very Unclear


🔲 "MS Paint"

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

🔲 Graphics don't matter in this game

🔲 Decent

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

✅ Masterpiece

- MUSIC && SFX - 🔲 None

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

🔲 Good

✅ Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ simulator/Shooter

🔲 Like playing "Temple Runners" for the story

🔲 It's there for the people who want it

✅ Well written

🔲 Epic story  


✅ Free

✅ Underpriced (if you plan on making bigger games like this)

🔲 Perfect price

🔲 Could be cheaper

🔲 Overpriced

🔲 Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave

✅ Average

🔲 High end

🔲 "NASA" computer


🔲 Super Short  (0-10 minutes)

✅Very short (0 - 1 hours)

(haven't played it fully)

🔲 Short (1 - 10 hours)

🔲 Average (10 - 30 hours)

🔲 Long (30 - 70 hours)

🔲 Extremely long (70 - 110 hours)

🔲 No ending

- FUN -

🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry

🔲 Hard to enjoy

🔲 Repetitive

🔲 Actually pretty scary

✅ Ride of your life


✅ It's a one-time experience

✅ Only for achievements

🔲 If you wait a few months/years

🔲 Definitely (you can always go back and improve and is still enjoyable

🔲 Infinitely replayable

Special Thanks to BLUEY from Steam (Creator of the template)

- MARKETING - (How well your game page)

🔲Very Weak (No photos/videos/Description/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Weak ( No photos/videos/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Good (No videos/ External Links + Devlogs)

✅Great (has all the above)

 Hey! I played your game on my stream! Watch it to see the live review!  Here's the link for it: 😄
Game Number: 4
Review Ended at: 2:00:00

  I would also appreciate if you could give an opinion on our latest game. Game devs advice is precious because we know better what it takes to make something work. It's called "Backdoor Shifts"


came from ManlyBadassHero, and I bullied the streamer before telling 'em what to do, amazing game 👍

very original concept, one of the best horrors i played

It's insane how immersive this is. An amazing interactive experience that was successful in freaking me out, nice game

I think we need mor

this is insane

(1 edit)

the best game


Really liked the style of this game, very different concept to horror. Really enjoyed it, thought it was fab! Little bit confused by what happened at the end, but I dunno if that's just me haha!!
Really hope to see more like this 

Keep up the great work

play through below :) x

epic game tbh, really gives out those outlast vibes

Esse jogo foi incrivelmente bom, eu vi que no canal de um youtuber mas n abri o video pois queria ter a minha experiência primeiro 

amazing game

looks real

very fun

This game was very unique and made pretty well. Super creepy atmosphere too. Here's my funny moments while playing (Starts 7:18) PLEASE CHECK OUT


wait this is actually fun


This was a really unique Game, I've never played anything like it before! I had a lot of fun playing it, even though I didn't know what was going on xD Good Job (: 


i watched a video and it lokks reely creepy

(1 edit)

Hey really liked that

One Question - How did you export Three.js to exe?

I am trying to export js to exe

I use Electron.

(1 edit)

Hmmm.... Electron
Thanks for your answer and also for the game and the hints too 

I've never played a game like this before and it's really refreshing and really Good at the same time. Wish it was much more longer but it was enough to fill my Horror stomach. Just a bit off setting regrading the frames of the game but I guess is better that way because of the theme it wanted to play. All in all this games a masterpiece and would recommend to anyone. 

I had a great time with game. It made me feel really paranoid. AND THERE WERE NO JUMPSCARES. you pulled off something great. And if ya like my vid consider dropping a like or subscription. thanks!

Great Game!

Subscribe if you enjoy!

Great disturbing game mate! 

Varun R., I found the game idea very good and very interesting, I wanted to know two things about the game, the first thing is if there will be a mobile version for the game in the Google Play Store, the second thing is if the game will also have on steam.


Ended up playing this on my channel! Great game, and great concept, even if it feels a bit incomplete towards the very end, leaving more questions than it answers. Great idea though, and this has the makings of something really really impressive.

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